Dental Website Design – Benefits of a Specialist/Industry Specific Website
Positioning your practice online
There might have been a time when dental professionals could get away without a strong online presence, but those days are long gone. Nowadays, the dental industry is just as reliant on the web as any other sector when it comes to securing business and it of course doesn’t help that competition is rocketing by the day. Nevertheless, there are still hundreds of dental practices across the UK who are wondering why on Earth they seem to be haemorrhaging their client bases despite having put barely a foot wrong…at least in terms of their practice. So why is this happening?
If it was a simple case of creating a site and uploading it for the world to see, things wouldn’t be quite so tricky. Sadly, every dental website in the UK today is up against hundreds of others that are gunning for the exact same business. It’s worth remembering that now more than ever people are willing and quite happy to travel further afield to afford themselves the most professional, accommodating and competitive-priced dentistry – you’re no longer guaranteed any business simply due to your position.
On the plus side, what all of the above amounts to is a situation where those that get it right stand to reap the rewards in a big way – large client bases using the web as their primary tool of reach.
It’s all a case of getting noticed, which means getting the name of the business in lights and prominent in the Google rankings… and to a lesser extent, the other major search engines. As far as dental website design goes, all the pretty pictures and professionalism in the world won’t do a lick of good if the link to the site is somewhere in page 12 of the rankings – it will fail, plain and simple.
As such, website design for the dental industry today is as much about topping the table as it is creating visual masterpieces. The Holy Grail therefore, is a service provider that can offer a package of both, seamlessly and flawlessly blended to create a stunning site that’s also search engine-friendly.
Enlightened web design to a 2013 standard with SEO built in from the ground up can help to transform a business quickly and cost-effectively.
However, it’s not just about the creation of the website – a budget should be set-aside for monthly search promotion to progressively move the website to a position of prominence in Google. This can range from very little in low competition environments to £1k + per month for those in large cities where competition is fierce. Each location and circumstance is different which necessitates close management and regular review. There is clearly a cost associated with this expertise but the rewards and return on investment are easy to demonstrate.
For more information on website design or anything else related to dental marketing, please get in touch with the team at Dental Media on 01332 672548 or take a look at what we offer online.